Student Feedback - 2016

Many of my students leave feedback in the classroom or via e-mail. I’d like to highlight three comments from PH430: Photography Portfolio that remind me why I became a photo professor in the first place: to help others pursue a career in photography while maintaining a passion for the field.


The comment above written by Jennifer Jensen reads, “Without this class and my portfolio, I never would have gotten my new job as a photojournalist“.  Jennifer also contact me via e-mail:


The second comment from PH430 (below) written by Michael Berg reads, “Loved this class and a special thanks to Professor Fiander for pushing me to do this sub-genre.” (A little backstory behind this comment: Michael was debating between focusing his photography on either landscape or architecture.  Along with Michael’s eye and skills being stronger with the architecture photography body of work he submitted at the start of the class, I also explained the commercial benefits behind this genre.)  The third comment written by Bernadette Lohr reads, “This has been a very interesting and fun course. Thank you Professor Fiander for leading me towards this sub-genre of food photography rather than nature/landscape. I feel the skills I built will become beneficial in the future“.

Below are two examples of closing remarks from PHOA209.  The first one reads, “I would like to say that this course was by far one of the best courses I have had throughout my online classes here.  I have learned a great deal with Mrs. Fiander as my instructor. After the first week I didn’t think I was going to make it but I hung in there and did it. I thoroughly enjoyed photographing different subjects which was a big challenge with little ones. I love my final portfolio that I created with the help of a great instructor helping me along the way. I wish my classmate Brianna all the best in which I enjoyed working with through this long journey. I hope to become a successful photographer in the near future. Thank you so much Mrs. Fiander for all the encouragement and push you gave me through the tough journey. I am very well satisfied with my progress and work. Thanks to everyone.” (Brenda Pugh, PHO209, 2016.)


The second one reads, “This course has taught me many things concerning the technical and printing aspect of photography. Taking this course, I have definitely improved my studio capabilities as well as on location. I have learned many other ways to use and adjust the strobes and have experimented with different lighting techniques that I have never used before. This final project and the critiques of Instructor Fiander and my peers have helped me improve my portfolio and final print images. When pursuing my career as a photographer, I will definitely remember what I learned in this course to improve both my technical abilities and how to make my portfolio stronger.” (Brianna Marx, PHO209, 2016.)

Below are two comments from students who took my PH323: Portraiture II course.  The first comment written by Colleen Brownlee reads, “Wow that was a fast 5 and a half weeks! I enjoyed this class and learned a lot… Thanks for a great class!” The second comment written by Tina Lavergne reads, “I really enjoyed this class. I have learned a lot about lighting and some new technical things I had (not) known before.  It was also good to be in a class with such an understanding teacher. I (found) that the 6 weeks flew by.


Paula Moore; PHOA109, 2016:

Emily Chavez; PHOA109, 2016:


Bertha Partin, PH331, 2016:


Yesenia Ramos, PH222, 2016:
